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information culture of a personality
information culture of a future primary school teacher
information culture development
information and communication technology

How to Cite

V. V. . Oliynyk, I. M. Androshchuk, I. I. Ostapiovska, P. S. Oleshko, and D. A. Prima, “INFORMATION CULTURE DEVELOPMENT OF FUTURE PRIMARY SCHOOL TEACHERS BY MEANS OF INFORMATION AND COMMUNICATION TECHNOLOGIES ”, ITLT, vol. 75, no. 1, pp. 212–224, Feb. 2020, doi: 10.33407/itlt.v75i1.3599.


The article describes the formation of information culture of future primary school teachers by means of information and communication technologies. Four components of information culture of elementary school teacher are identified and described: cognitive (provides knowledge about information society at the global and local levels and its basic tendencies), operational content (provides the ability to use information and communication technologies to solve various practical problems, such as personal problems and social value), communicative (requires knowledge of, and adherence to, the norms of a culture of conduct and communication using information and communication technologies), value-reflexive (assumes critical attitude to the content of information resources, non-proliferation and prevention of dissemination of misinformation and information of immoral, unlawful content, observance of information legislation, prevention of computer addiction), which formed the basis of development of the “Information culture in elementary school” for Higher Education Applicants at Lesya Ukrainka Eastern European National University, Specialty 013 Elementary Education in Computer Science. The key aspects for the effective use of information and communication technologies in future professional activity are highlighted and described, as well as illustrated the results of implementation of the mentioned course. The analysis of the study shows that there is an increase in the percentage of high and sufficient levels of information culture of future primary school teachers. Implementation of the developed course shows that after its completion, high level indicators of information culture formation were 12.5% higher than at the beginning of the experiment; the prognosticity of the problem under investigation, which consists in the interdisciplinarity of the developed course and its use by scientific and pedagogical staff in the process of preparing applicants for higher education in different educational fields, has been determined.

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