The article states that the main feature of modern learning is its personalized orientation, adaptability of the educational process to the student’s individual needs. Such training is adaptive. Today, the vast majority of learning content for adaptive learning is characterized by rather primitive feedback relationship between the learner’s personal needs and the adaptation of learning aiming at meeting those needs. Typically, this link is based on an analysis of the student's learning process, test results, and minor subjective factors, while current adaptive technologies allow for a more in-depth determination of the learning situation and students’ individual characteristics. In our view, this problem can be solved by applying a number of tools and techniques, namely student’s individual and typological characteristics, the ability to monitor the student's thinking, and adaptive analytics of the learning process. It is noted that one of the promising directions of providing adaptive learning conditions should be the creation of adaptive learning systems, the functioning of which is ensured by technologies using artificial intelligence. It is emphasized that the use of artificial intelligence in adaptive learning systems helps personalize the learning approach for each student in order to make learning as effective as possible. It is noted that the introduction of artificial intelligence should be aimed at preserving and enhancing all strong aspects of the teacher. The effectiveness of this process depends not only on which and how many ICTs are used in educational environments, but how well they are mastered by students, educators, research workers, and organizers of the educational process, how actively and pedagogically these technologies are applied. In view of these issues, a conceptual model for adaptive learning system is proposed and substantiated.
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