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National School of Judges of Ukraine
training of judges
distance learning
digital technology

How to Cite

A. N. Masliuk and I. N. Yevchenko, “USE OF DIGITAL EDUCATIONAL RESOURCES IN THE PROCESS OF JUDGES’ PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT”, ITLT, vol. 82, no. 2, pp. 32–45, Apr. 2021, doi: 10.33407/itlt.v82i2.3604.


The article substantiates the expediency of using digital technologies in the educational activities of the National School of Judges of Ukraine. The features of using the latest digital technologies in the training of judges are clarified. The traditional approach to training is not an effective mechanism in ensuring the educational space of judges, therefore, an interactive educational model of training was chosen, where digital technologies prevail over traditional methods. It was clarified that the system of training judges at the National School of Judges of Ukraine is in line with full-time and distance learning. An important component of the training is digital content (website, YouTube channel, Facebook page). The distance learning training platform is quite simple and understandable for judges who adjust training to their work schedule, as they have constant access to training resources. Distance courses have a high level of interactivity, which allows judges to share their thoughts with other participants and the moderator of the course. An electronic library has been created on the website of the National School of Judges of Ukraine, which contains electronic scientific aids that are modern, relevant and respond to requests from judicial practice. The features of innovative special training, which, in fact, was the embodiment of the best domestic and foreign experience, are analyzed. It was clarified that during the training it is appropriate to use the clicker system for promptly interviewing candidates for the position of judge in order to obtain information about the group's views on a specific issue. The use of electronic training tools leveled the interference of the human factor during the assessment, which could be biased towards the candidates for the position of judge by the trainers, significantly reduced the time for processing the results of academic performance and placed the participants in the educational process on an equal footing.

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