The article considers perspective areas of STEM-education in the system of future engineers training in the information and educational environment. The modern professions which are formed on the basis of design and research activities, the implementation of modelling tasks of various processes and phenomena and the conscious formation of qualitatively new transdisciplinary knowledge are outlined. The necessity of using STEM-oriented educational programs in higher education institutions has been identified. On the basis of the concept of STEM-education, it is determined what professional competencies the future engineer should acquire. As an introduction of elements of STEM-education for the training of higher education applicants in engineering specialties, the implementation of STEM-projects is proposed, the purpose of which is to create a constructive improvement of the machine or mechanism. The scheme of introduction of elements of STEM-education for training of future engineers in the conditions of informational and educational environment is presented. Interdisciplinary links in the implementation of STEM-projects by higher education applicants of engineering specialties have been studied. A set of mathematical and engineering skills for the implementation of STEM-projects by higher education applicants in engineering specialties in the specified environment is determined. To use the elements of STEM-education during the project, tasks for the future engineers are formed taking into account the calculation, design and scientific components. The scheme for the implementation of STEM education elements for performing tasks by future engineers in informational and educational environment should include the following stages: selection of a technical or technological process and drawing a technological scheme, a proposal for a constructive implementation of an element, calculation of an improved element, drawing a constructive improvement, creating a presentation and tests. It is noted that the results of projects with using elements of STEM-education in the informational and educational environment is expedient to be discussed at conferences or webinars by presenting the project and creating test simulators.
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