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methodological and didactic principles
German literature

How to Cite

L. A. Fedorenko, “USING OF THE QR-CODE IN LEARNING GERMAN LITERATURE FOR FUTURE TRANSLATORS AND TEACHERS”, ITLT, vol. 84, no. 4, pp. 176–187, Sep. 2021, doi: 10.33407/itlt.v84i4.3639.


The article discusses the experience of using mobile learning tools, in particular a QR code and LearningApps as a Web 2.0 resource, in German literature classes with German students at the Zhytomyr Ivan Franko State University; author's developments of digital tasks on the topic “German Romanticism” are presented. The study takes into account modern approaches of neurodidactics, in particular “Learning by Doing”, the effectiveness of “multichannel training”, according to which there are distinguished auditory, visual, communicative, motor-kinesthetic training types. Based on the innovative principles of neurodidactics and human brain research, the educational process should be varied, varying complex theoretical material with practical tasks, and in the era of digitalization, analog educational material with digital. The study also took into account the modern achievements of didactics and methods of teaching the German language, in particular, “DLL – Deutsch lehren lernen” – an innovative educational program for the advanced training of teachers of the German language, which was implemented by the Goethe-Institut Cultural Institute in Ukraine, including: orientation to an activity approach, an intercultural approach, the intensification of students 'educational activities, the variety of methods and means of instruction used, the cognitive-playful nature of learning tasks, the encouragement of students' academic independence, an individual approach to students with different levels of knowledge, providing effective feedback and others. The study showed that the appropriate and methodically thought-out use of mobile learning on the example of the LearningApps online service and a QR code effectively contributes to the formation of students' self-education and self-development skills, provides a learning and communication environment in which students develop an interest in learning a foreign language, literature and culture, and also creates psychologically comfortable conditions for the development of various types of linguistic and speech activity.

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