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innovative technologies
foreign student
Ukrainian as a foreign language
medical university

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T. O. Leshchenko and M. M. Zhovnir, “PODCASTING TECHNOLOGY AS A METHOD OF FORMATION OF LINGUOCULTURAL COMPETENCE”, ITLT, vol. 84, no. 4, pp. 49–64, Sep. 2021, doi: 10.33407/itlt.v84i4.3658.


The article is devoted to the problem of formation of linguistic personality of a foreign medical student, in particular their linguistic, speech, communication and sociocultural competences. The paper highlights the inseparability of students’communicative skills formation with systematic use of innovative didactic methods and techniques, as well as forms of work, resources involving foreign students in the dialogue of cultures aiming their successful integration into the national intellectual and educational space. In the paper it is emphasized that communicative competence is related to linguistic and cultural knowledge. The authors focus their attention on the importance of actualization the systematic use of innovative forms, didactic methods and techniques, resources for creating conditions for engaging students in intercultural dialogue, their successful integration into the national intellectual and educational and scientific and technical environment. In this paper various information and communication technologies implemented into the educational process are described. Besides, the authors focus their attention on the technology of podcasting. The researchers present their definition of podcasts. Their common typological paradigms have been analyzed. The need and rationality of using podcasts, which contains important information about Ukraine, Ukrainians, their history, culture, ancient and modern traditions, for teaching Ukrainian language as foreign in higher medical educational institutions have been shown. The advantages of pedagogical innovation in comparison with traditional methods of presenting educational information have been pointed out. It was proved that motivated introduction in the courses on subjects «Ukrainian as a foreign language» is a way to improve the quality of non-professional, mainly linguistic and cultural studies of foreign students. The expediency and rationality of the use of podcasts of Ukrainian studies in the discipline «Ukrainian as a Foreign Language» in the medical university are substantiated. The transcript of the training podcast is presented, which can be used in practical lessons in the discipline «Ukrainian as a Foreign Language» (II rd course, speciality «Medicine»). The research has been presented within the anthropocentric scientific paradigm. Main descriptive and analytical methods, general and inguistic methods of scientific description, modern methods of comparison have been used. It has been appealed to special linguistic methods and techniques, including discourse analysis.

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