The article highlights the promising ways of providing access to cloud-based platforms and tools to support collaborative learning and research processes. It is emphasized that the implementation of cloud computing services is a promising trend in the development of modern ICT pedagogical systems. The concept of cloud-based open learning and research platform is considered. The benchmarking studies of using ICT tools for learning and research within the pedagogical systems of higher education are fulfilled. The analysis and evaluation of the existing experience of using different types of software packages to support learning and research processes within the cloud-based environment are proposed. The issues of integration of knowledge-based services, language technologies and database network services within the open systems of learning and research are covered. A model of the cloud-based open learning and research collaborative environment involving the use of cloud-based components based on AWS virtual desktop, IBM Box, WPadV4 and other tools is substantiated. The reasonable ways of tools selection are considered and the prospects for their use within the cloud-based open learning and research platform in pedagogical systems of higher education are described. The research methods are the analysis of official international documents, publications on the subject of the research, observation, comparison, the analysis of the experience of using educational and scientific network packages, application of cloud technologies, benchmarking studies and experimental studies. Conclusions and recommendations encompass the application of cloud-based open learning and research technologies covering research platforms, scientific and educational network packages, and also cloud services for collecting, submitting and processing data as a promising trend in the development and modernization of the educational environment of higher education institutions and collaborative research.
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