The article presents materials of scientific research as for the implementation of information and communication technologies (ICT) into educational process of preschool educational establishments (PEE) in the context of formation the senior preschoolers’ health-keeping competence. It reviews the basic frameworks of the problem under research from point of view of native and foreign scientists based on analyses of psychological-pedagogical and methodical literature on the question of digitization of preschool education. The article reveals specificity and expediency of integration of ICT into preschools as one of components of educational process, which is characterized by mobility, high level of activation children in solving various tasks. It gives authors’ methods of formation of health-keeping competence in senior preschoolers using the ICT, which are conceptually agreed with the requirements of the Basic component of preschool education (educational lines “Child’s personality”, “Computer Literacy”). The essence of key notion “health-keeping competence” is determined. Its foundation consists of nine life skills, the complex formation of which provides child with possibility consciously lead healthy, productive life. The article outlines the unified algorithm of experimental methods: subject; stages of organization of educational health-keeping activity (motivational, theoretical, practical); didactic, communicative-informative support. The accents are put on methodologically appropriate ICT, which upgrade the process of formation of health-keeping competence in senior preschoolers (multimedia presentation, computer games, YouTube, mind maps). The system of its methodological support is presented: multimedia library, outlines of lessons, catalog of educational sites, game developmental programs for children, etc. The results are summarized and the effectiveness of using ICT in process of formation of health-keeping competence in senior preschoolers is evaluated. It is reflected by growth of number of EG respondents of high-level. The prospects of research of process of using ICT tools in formation of health-keeping competence in subjects of preschool education are determined.
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