The article generalizes the results of using electronic educational resources in the institution of higher education of the State Border Guard Service of Ukraine for training cadets in applying information and telecommunication systems of border guard units. It was determined that the training of future border guard officers is characterized by certain peculiarities, namely the use of specialized electronic educational resources with limited access, departmental information and educational Virtual Aula web platform, departmental Intranet and distance learning directly at the place of service. It is proposed to use the electronic textbook Technical Information Processing Tools, as well as the electronic training manuals Fundamentals of Telecommunication Systems Construction, Software and Technical Complexes of Units of Border Protection and Fundamentals of Telecommunication Networks for the courses on Information and Telecommunication Systems of the Border Guard Units as well as Communication Systems and Complexes of the State Border Protection Bodies". To test the effectiveness of electronic educational resources, a study was conducted in which the training of cadets of the experimental group was carried out with the use of the mentioned electronic educational resources, accessed by connecting to an interactive electronic environment of the departmental network of the National Academy of the State Border Guard Service of Ukraine. The results of the study show that the average values of cognitive and operational criteria in the experimental group were higher than in the control group. The results of calculations by the Pearson chi-square criterion confirmed the reliability of the obtained results. The materials presented in the article testify the effectiveness and expediency of using the proposed electronic textbooks and manuals for training future officers to use information and telecommunication systems of border guard units.
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