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acculturation triad
ethnocentrism and ethnorelativism
electronic educational platform
intercultural interaction

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The article presents the potential of electronic educational platforms during the acculturation and academic work with foreign students. It was revealed that the USA higher education institutions, in the period of students' adaptive preparation, use the principle of acculturation triad, which consists of preparing for intercultural communication (a linguistic element), the ability to apply cultural knowledge during the practical contact (a cultural element), and the ability to psychological resistance to cultural shock (a psychological element). It is indicated, that the educational platforms operates on the basis of a media education system, which includes video, audio and text materials. It is necessary to understand that these types of materials are most effective when it used together, which is possible in the period of electronic global educational platforms using, such as EDX. The main features that demonstrate a sufficient level of psychological stability skills formation as a part of the «Introduction to Social Psychology» course (University of Queensland) are mentioned, among which are: the ability to provide an explanation of personal conclusions on one or another situation, the ability to conduct the analytical actions to understand the cultural opponents and yourself as a representative of a certain cultural environment, the awareness of the impact of own behavior on the effectiveness of intercultural interaction, the ability of personal transformation of previously obtained data’s that influenced on the formation of prejudices and understanding of their negative impact on the effectiveness of intercultural interaction. The expected results of the work of foreign students within the framework of the course «Intercultural Competence in Education» (University of Iceland) are showed, which include (for students): a person’s awareness of it’s belonging to a certain culture, the understanding of the negative impact of the ethnocentrism phenomenon on the process of adaptation to a new culture and to the interaction with representatives of another society; for tutors/consultants - the formation of skills to overcome the cultural barriers, the development of strategic planning of the sequence of acculturation actions.

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