The agenda of every higher education institution (HEI) in Ukraine today is accreditation of educational programs that train higher education applicants. This is one of the key processes of strategic management of the institution, and at the same time one of the most time consuming. Therefore, there are both indications of the feasibility of maximum automation of its execution, which is considered by the authors from the standpoint of the process approach, according to which the effectiveness of the organization depends on the efficiency of each process. The purpose of this article is to demonstrate the possibilities of using information technology in the management of one of the key processes of HEI’s strategic management - accreditation of specialties and educational programs from the point of view of the organization of monitoring and process control. The subject of the study is IT-based monitoring in the strategy management system of the HEI. The authors list and compare the characteristics of software products and services that are appropriate to include in information technology to automate certain elements of the HEI’s activity in preparation for accreditation of educational programs. The list is not exhaustive and is built on the basis of the opportunities available today for HEI to use specialized software products on a free-of-charge basis in the case of partnerships with developers. The possibility of applying modern IT technologies in the management of HEI is revealed by two examples: modeling in a specialized system Business Studio and implementation of the most labor-intensive elements of information technology in MS Excel as the most accessible and popular software product in organizations. Comparison of the effects from the use of the proposed tools and the assessment of the benefits over accreditation without the use of IT is supposed to be carried out on the basis of the FMEA methodology, which provides for the calculation of RPN (Risk Priority Number) for each of the identified main types of errors using the 5M. The results of the study may be of interest to the HEIs when developing an in-house strategic management information system. Further deepening of the research is seen in the development of other components of information technology of strategic management of HEI.
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