The article discusses the theoretical and practical aspects of the use of cloud learning technologies and social networks in the system of organization and conduct of trainings for middle managers. The application of these technologies and social networks was shown by the example of training managers working in the insurance business. An important aspect of the management system was taken for the study - the direction of forming and providing feedback in management activities by means of IT. In the course of the study, approaches were analyzed the use of cloud-based technologies in the digital training of managers to organize and provide feedback to implementation of feedback from customers of insurance companies - policyholders, formulated and disclosed recommendations for training to improve the effectiveness of feedback. Cloud services are provided for creating, analyzing and using surveys. The expediency of using is disclosed information and communication training, as well as the structure and content of the table-algorithm "Using of cloud-based learning technologies for digital training of managers based on feedback assessment". Cloud-based training technology for digital preparation of the manager to determine the impact of feedback assessment on the quality of management staff has also been substantiated and developed. To ensure the processing of statistical data of surveys, a check was carried out by Microsoft Excel spreadsheets, in particular, the Analysis ToolPak analysis package, graphs and charts. Each stage of the training is disclosed in detail, which combines the training of a manager in digitalization using cloud services and social networks, and provides for the implementation of training in such areas as the digital component and the management component. Obligatory to implement and protect the project is the realization, according to the criteria inserted by the trainers, of feedback, the formation (and adoption) of management decisions by means of cloud services and social networks. This work indicates that the use of cloud-based technologies in the educational process involves not only a weekly training for managers, but also post-training monitoring to consolidate the knowledge gained. For this, the option of organizing was proposed centralization electronic system for receiving and processing customer wishes.
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Copyright (c) 2022 Дмитро Миколайович Бодненко, Ігор Валентинович Яковенко, Галина Андріївна Кучаковська, Олександра Вікторівна Локазюк