distance learningThe article presents the results of the survey of students studying in domestic Institutions of Higher Education on the problems of quality and prospects for development of distance learning, as well as the effectiveness of its usage at different levels of higher education. The student survey was conducted in 2019 within the framework of the author's project "Assessment of Higher Education Quality". Some of the scientific results of this project were presented in other publications by the authors, and therefore the conclusions presented in this article should be perceived through the prism of the content of previously published articles. Based on the results of the survey of higher education applicants, the conclusions were formulated basing on the generalized opinion of respondents obtained during expert interviews of respondents and analysis of students' answers to the questionnaire "Attitude to distance education and evaluation of its quality". 544 respondents from Kharkiv, Poltava, Sumy, as well as parts of Donetsk and Luhansk regions controlled by Ukraine participated in the survey. The scientific attention of the researchers was focused on finding out and analyzing students ' opinions about: an ability of distance education to outpace traditional forms of education in the future in terms of its popularity among students; the effectiveness of using distance education on different levels of higher education, as well as in systems of advanced training and mass information courses; the prospects of using distance education at the level of an independent tool for obtaining a specialty in the system of training specialists with higher education; whether students or people they know have experience in using distance learning to obtain a professional specialty. The generalizations obtained from the analysis of students ' responses allowed us to formulate conclusions on ways of improvement of the state policy in the sphere of higher education with the direction to increase the popularity of distance learning as one of the independent tools for obtaining a profession and the effectiveness of using information and communication technologies in the system of training competitive specialists.
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