The training system for teachers of secondary education is beginning to be reformed. Teachers have the freedom to increase their professional level through various forms, trainings are recognized as acceptable. The requirements of the new education standard in the science education define research-related skills. The article describes the basic principles of Inquiry Based Learning in comparison with the traditional learning, and substantiates why such learning should be important for the education of science teachers in secondary education. Challenges faced by teachers in accordance with the main ideas of the New Ukrainian School and Ukraine's participation in the international PISA research can be met by developing new forms of professional development for science teachers. In particular, training for students and teachers to develop competencies related to discovery learning through interactive computer simulations, is offered. The program of training for physics and biology teachers on the use of interactive simulations for teaching is described, for which the researches of other countries on such teacher training have been used. The article describes some elements of the methodology of conducting training sessions with teachers of science subjects, in particular when conducting interactive lecture activities in the classroom, for homework and to accompany practical and laboratory activities. These types of class activities are selected based on the results of a survey of teachers. The online resources and examples of exercises offered for the training of teachers of physics and biology are given, the sequence of conducting classes with the students is offered. The benefits of using the Plickers service to obtain and process students’ instant responses as an element of formative assessment when conducting lecture classes with students, are substantiated.
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