Possibilities of application of information and communication technologies in work of the teacher of out-of-school institutions in the course of development of STEM-projects of a natural-geographical direction are shown. The study is based on the work of a team of authors who have long managed experience of the research and experimental sections of the Junior Academy of Sciences (JAS) of Ukraine as well as geographical circles. Possibilities of performance of practical works with use of electronic databases of geospatial data are analyzed. Some features of work with applied services and software that allow developing student research projects in the field of meteorology, climatology, geography, geology and geoecology are described. Examples of practical tasks for the students in the process of STEM-projects are given. Training algorithms for working with a number of applied online services (for example, Blitzortung) have been developed. The types of tasks for research and development of own STEM-projects taking into account the age features of students are analyzed. Possibilities of improvement of performance of practical and laboratory works on disciplines of a geographical and geoecological cycle by means of information and communication technologies in establishments of out-of-school education are shown. The own experience on possibilities of perfection of teaching techniques and methods of development and conducting practical classes of the geographical circles in out-of-school educational is covered. It is shown that the process of STEM-projects development requires solving many organizational, psychological-pedagogical, educational-methodical issues: development of appropriate educational-methodical support, formation of culture of research work, development of creative abilities, cognitive and creative activity of listeners, formation of individual style of their scientific activities. The special role of ICT use in out-of-school education of research and experimental direction is estimated, which promotes the emergence of new educational opportunities advanced forms, methods and means of education.
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