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scientific education
innovative competence
STEAM competence
project-based learning
problem-based learning
inquiry-based learning
digital tools and services

How to Cite

L. M. Hrynevych, N. V. Morze, and M. A. Boiko, “SCIENTIFIC EDUCATION AS THE BASIS FOR INNOVATIVE COMPETENCE FORMATION IN THE CONDITIONS OF DIGITAL TRANSFORMATION OF THE SOCIETY”, ITLT, vol. 77, no. 3, pp. 1–26, Jun. 2020, doi: 10.33407/itlt.v77i3.3980.


The article substantiates the concept of scientific education and its need for high school in the digital transformation of education, provides an overview of innovative teaching methods that can be effectively used to spread scientific thinking to a wider range of subjects and the formation of STEAM and innovation competence as the key one. The authors investigate the theoretical grounds for scientific education. The list of knowledge, skills and activities that are part of STEAM and innovation competence is given. It is proved that their formation requires targeted use of the method of educational projects, problem-based learning and research-cognitive method in the educational process. The article describes the features of these innovative pedagogical technologies in the implementation of scientific education in secondary schools based on the use of modern digital technologies and tools. The authors investigate the level of awareness of such methods and the practice of their application among Ukrainian teachers. The study involved teachers from five Ukrainian universities that are partners of Borys Hrinchenko University of Kyiv under the MoPED project ("Modernization of pedagogical higher education using innovative teaching tools MOPED" - №586098-EPP-1-2017-1-EN-EPPKA2 -CBHE-JP) to identify the needs for the study of modern educational trends and the appropriate innovative pedagogical technologies and digital tools for their provision. The article presents the results that demonstrate the level of teachers' interest in mastering digital tools. The groups of tools for the development of scientific education are described. They include creating students’ positive motivation, stimulating their creativity, forming non-standard creative thinking, learning about the world around them, conducting experiments, finding new methods for problem situations solving. On the basis of the research, the directions for teacher training for the development of scientific education and the formation of innovative and STEAM competence in the context of digital transformation of the society are identified.

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