The use of open electronic scientific and educational systems are a powerful support tool for research. The authors of the article have developed and substantiated the model for using these systems for the development of researchers' information and research competence. The model has been developed on general scientific approaches to modeling educational and organizational systems, as well as on the principles that are consistent with the concept of open continuing education and adult learning, namely andragogic, acmeological, informative, competent, and practically oriented ones.
The model consists of four blocks. They are target, content, organization and activity, result and diagnostics. It is determined that open electronic scientific and educational systems act as a means of developing the researchers' information and research competence. The main criteria for selecting such systems are openness, functionality and their suitability for the use in higher education establishments and research institutions. The model reflects the main content directions (scientific electronic libraries, electronic open journal systems, Google cloud services, electronic educational networks, scientometric, bibliographic and scientific and educational rating systems), as well as directions in which the level of researchers' information and research competence should be increased. The methods and forms that are recommended to use in such training include mini-lectures, seminars, trainings, group work, project method, brainstorming, discussions, online surveys, tests, etc. The result of the model implementation is to increase the level of researchers' information and research competence up to professional-functional and professional-creative ones. The model's properties have been examined during seminars and trainings for scientists. The model has been validated and evaluated by experts.
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