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Y. S. Iliasova and L. S. Shevchenko, “THE USE OF INTERNET TECHNOLOGIES IN EDUCATION OF MEDICAL STUDENTS”, ITLT, vol. 91, no. 5, pp. 36–51, Oct. 2022, doi: 10.33407/itlt.v91i5.3996.


The article emphasizes the need for the application of Internet technologies in medical schools during the COVID-19 pandemic. The purpose of the article is to highlight the methodology and results of experimental work aimed at the verification of the effectiveness of using of Internet technologies in medical schools. The article is devoted to the questions of organizing online- learning for of medical students and verifying the efficiency of the suggested approach. The results of a survey of would-be doctors and junior medical staff are described. The research was conducted at Vinnytsia national medical university and medical colleges of Vinnytsia region in 2017-2020 years. The educational process in the distance mode encompassed distant classes of using educational blog Blogger, mental maps Mindomo and application LearningApps. At the primary stage of researching an insufficient level of professional knowledge and practical skills of medical students was determined. There were identified shortcomings in the process of professional training of future medical staff in the study of professional disciplines the traditional training and limited use of ICT in the educational process of medical schools. The empirical basis at the formative stage of the study included 247 students and 70 teachers of professional disciplines at Vinnytsia national medical university and medical colleges of Vinnytsia region. At the formative stage of the experiment students of the control group studied according to traditional methods, and their teachers of professional disciplines used traditional teaching technologies. Students of the experimental group studied according to innovative methods, and their teachers used Internet technologies. It was specified that future medical staff of the experimental group received better results, than the students of the control group and they have a higher level of professional knowledge. It has been found out that the use of Internet technologies in the research significantly improves quality and effectiveness of such training, brings the students closer to real clinical scenarios, enables them to enhance their practical skills clearly and qualitatively. The effectiveness the use of blogs, mental maps, and online exercises LearningApps in teaching professional disciplines to future medical staff was checked by conducting comprehensive assessment.

The statistical verification also confirmed the effectiveness of the implementation of these modern technologies. The prospects for further research predetermined by the necessity to use the gained experience in organizing isolated distance medical learning at the studying of natural, socio-economic, and humanitarian disciplines in the difficult conditions of the war in Ukraine.

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