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information and digital learning environment
information and communication technologies
civic education
digital educational hub
education in the Netherland
education in Belgium
education in Ukraine

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The article covers the international and domestic experience of implementation of digital educational hubs for supporting civic education as an element of information and digital learning environment. The basic concepts and theoretical approaches of domestic and foreign researchers are analysed and the role of digital educational hub as a modern tool of information and digital learning environment is determined. The concept of "digital educational hub" is substantiated, which is a multifunctional digital educational space, where educational resources, tools, technologies are concentrated; the organizational and pedagogical conditions for the acquisition of knowledge, formation and development of competencies of participants in the educational process are provided; the conditions for effective and efficient accumulation of intellectual potential to solve urgent problems are created; the issues of education and upbringing can be discussed. This promotes professional and personal self-improvement of pedagogues, as well as innovation implementation into practice. The domestic legal framework is analysed; it determines the relevance of civic education and the potential of digital educational hubs. Based on the experience of the Netherlands, Belgium and Ukraine digital educational hub tools are described. Civic education and its elements in the educational process of general secondary education are revealed and recommended for implementation. The analysis of the current state of implementation of educational hubs in the domestic educational practice is carried out, and the problems that need thorough research are revealed. The practical significance of the digital educational hub, as a component of the information-digital learning environment, is to promote the creation of innovations and their implementation in education; project implementation; professional and personal self-improvement, formation and development of the personality of a modern citizen who is active in the digital environment. The novelty of the study is based on the generalization of domestic and foreign experience; the recommendations are provided for the creation of a resource digital educational hub to support civic education.

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