One of the crucial roles in ensuring the quality of higher education is the teacher role. In accordance with European standards, the Law of Ukraine “On Higher Education”, the recommendations of the National Agency for Quality Assurance in Higher Education, the system of internal quality assurance provides for the existence of developed and published criteria, rules and procedures for the evaluation of scientific and pedagogical, research workers, as well as their annual evaluation. To form high-quality scientific and pedagogical workers at the Borys Grinchenko Kyiv University, a system of teacher ratings has been developed – “E-portfolio”, which is one of the components of the information and educational environment. In order to analyze the activities of teachers, departments and the university as a whole in the system “E-portfolio” the main types of statistical reports were implemented: by rating points; by structural units; by rating indicators of the main types of activity; for each of the weights, etc. The first few years the usage of the built-in statistics was enough to analyze the activities of the teacher, the unit. However, there was a need to monitor the dynamics of indicators, so we began to look for modern tools of business intelligence to develop visualization of ratings. We have identified the Power BI tool, which allows you to have a complete picture of the results of activities and which is focused on data analysis. It was optimal to create a report using a data model in the form of a “Star Scheme”. The organization of data in the selected model is based on their logical division into two types, for storage of which dimension tables and fact tables are used. With the help of the created “Measure” and standard functions of the summary tables visualizations of input data of a rating were realized, details and filters for more convenient viewing and the analysis of the data were created. After completing all visualization and filter settings, the report was published using the Power BI report server. The use of the Power BI tool allowed top managers of the university to have a holistic picture of the results of employees and departments, to determine the priorities of activities, to make fair decisions when renewing contracts, which certainly contributes to the quality of higher education.
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