The importance of satellite image application in the educational process of the Junior Academy of Sciences of Ukraine is discussed. The role of remote sensing in the science education of the Junior Academy of Sciences of Ukraine is described, as well as presented an educational concept that aims to form a scientific type of thinking through the implementation of systematic research. The skills, which are formed through the use of satellite image in the research and are particularly important in the context of Industry 4.0 has been described, such as: critical thinking, creativity, ability to logically justify own statements, ability to solve the problems, assess the risks and make decisions, ability to work in a team. The examples of competences are given, according to the concept of New Ukrainian School. These competencies are formed in the process of conducting research activities using remote sensing. The results of 390 research works of students were analyzed, in particular those submitted for such events as: The annual National Research Paper Defense Competition among JASU Students in the section “GIS and Remote Sensing” (Department of the Kyiv Territorial Competition), competition on ecological projects «Ecopogliad” (Eco-vision), International Summer School on the basics of remote sensing of Junior Academy of Sciences of Ukraine. It is described how the scientific type of thinking is formed by searching, processing and analyzing satellite images. Presented examples demonstrate how the use of remote sensing in pupils research makes it possible to: process information from primary sources (satellite images), validate the information from the media / social networks, etc., confirm / refute a student’s hypothesis, conduct the research in remote areas. The use of remote sensing as an educational tool is especially relevant during the COVID-19 pandemic, as it provides an opportunity to get acquainted with the study area without leaving home and conduct the research based on combinations of spectral image bands, use of thematic scripts, etc. and Internet access.
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