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information technologies

How to Cite

L. A. Kartashova, “TEACHERS’ TRAINING TO USE INFORMATION TECHNOLOGIES IN THEIR PROFESSIONAL ACTIVITIE”, ITLT, vol. 22, no. 2, May 2011, doi: 10.33407/itlt.v22i2.406.


In this article the results of the research about conditions of informatization in secondary schools and the usage of information technologies (ІТ) in training and pedagogical process are shown. With this purpose, we conducted the independent selected research the results of which pointed at the insufficient level of humanitarian teachers' readiness to use IT in their professional activities. The conclusion of the necessity in development and implementation of information-technological training system in higher pedagogical institutions of Ukraine with the aim to form information-technological readiness of a future teacher is formulated. The system development provides the integration of three components: subject learning, didactic innovations and information technologies.

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