The need for strengthening the research capacity of domestic universities for Ukraine’s full accession to the European Higher Education Area and the European research space necessitates the modernization of the research management system. European Higher Education Area documents and scientific works are analyzed for the purpose of observing modern research management mechanisms. The article establishes the relevance of “governance” paradigms use in universities management, including research activities management. The essence of governance and features of its implementation are analyzed. It has set the stage for defining the fourth characteristics of governance, namely multi-procedures (in addition to the previously proposed ones such as multi-levels, multi-actors and multi-tasks). The authors’ position is based on the analysis of both scientific works and practical experience of research governance at the UK's leading universities, which are well known as leaders of European and world higher education systems. The main governance characteristics include the link with the key values of the European Higher Education Area and the European Research Area; correlation with university ability to fulfill its mission; multi-level, multi-actor, multi-tasking and multi-procedure; balance between independence and accountability, trust and control, efficiency and quality; transparency of decision-making; flexibility of organizational structures. The essence of the concept of "research governance at the university" is revealed and its values and principles are defined. The authors come to a conclusion regarding principles of research governance correspondence to the concept of Open Science, which implementation in domestic institutions of higher education could meet Ukraine's needs of integration into the European Higher Education Area and European Research Area. To determine higher education institution readiness for the research governance implementation, a factor-criterion model is proposed; basic digital tools for its realization are examined.
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