The study is devoted to the extremely relevant topic - increasing population cyber awareness and based on the unique experience of the transnational training project "Fundamentals of Corporate Cybersecurity". The aim of this work is to offer a partial solution to the problem of preparing Ukrainian citizens (and potentially citizens from other countries) to confront cyber threats in their professional activities. The object of the study is the finance industry, which is a part of the high school programs of colleges and universities in many countries. The authors put forward the idea that: to prepare of non-specialists in the IT field on the basics of cyber protection - those who do not have special engineering and technical training in the field of IT and cyber defense, and specialists in the socio-economic sphere (business leaders, entrepreneurs, economists, financiers and others) - it is necessary to train on cybersecurity, which is focused on their professional activities. As a result of the studies, the authors concluded, that in many countries, especially developing countries, cybercrime is a major problem. The authors prove, that Ukraine needs intensive education of citizens of all age groups on the problems of financial crimes and fraud by Internet hackers and cyber criminals. Along with the professional training of specialists in the field of IT and cybersecurity, in Ukraine it is advisable to: Introduce education on home finance and technologies for their IT protection in the school system; to prepare of non-specialists in the IT field on the basics of cyber protection on the principles of IT, cybersecurity, financial, and economics in all of colleges, institutions and universities; organize training in IT and cybersecurity for Ukrainian citizens. To ensure Ukraine’s integration with Europe, close cooperation with developed nations and transnational organizations is crucial to developing a thriving cybersecurity sector. Ukraine has competent young IT specialists who successfully work for foreign companies and corporations. It is necessary to effectively use this human resource and it is advisable to create a coordinating training center for cybersecurity in the field of economic and financial activities.
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