The article theoretically grounds and develops the future interpreter’s componential technological competence model. Describing the general structure of translator’s / interpreter’s technological competence, the authors noted the growing importance of information and communication technologies (ICT) in interpreting and identified the main directions of interpreting technologies development (computer-assisted interpreting, remote interpreting, machine interpreting and simultaneous interpreting), which, in turn, allowed to establish the key types of remote interpreting – telephone interpreting, video remote interpreting and webcasting interpreting. The study showed that nowadays the improvement of the efficiency of various types of interpreting is achieved by means of such categories of special interpreting information and communication technologies as simultaneous interpreting equipment, computer assisted/aided interpreting tools, interpreting management systems, interpreting delivery platforms; the article provides the list of the basic software within each category mentioned. The modeling method allowed to build the future interpreter’s componential technological competence model consisting of four components – motivational, declarative, procedural and personal. The motivational component presupposes awareness, aspirations and motivation of future interpreters to use ICT in their professional activity, while the personal one covers the value sphere and professionally important qualities. The declarative component requires students to master a number of knowledge necessary to work with modern interpreting information and communication technologies and the procedural component requires students to master the skills of using them and the ability to perform various types of interpreting and remote interpreting using them. The results of the questioning administered to the students enabled the authors to conclude that students didn’t possess the knowledge about modern interpreting information and communication technologies, and, accordingly, lacked the skills of using them, they also fixed a positive attitude of students, both to interpreting and to modern interpreting technologies, their desire to master such technologies and types of remote interpreting, as well as the availability of technical prerequisites for their implementation into vocational training.
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C. Fantinuoli,"InterpretBank. Redefining computer-assisted interpreting tools", in Proc. 38th Conf. Translating and the Computer, London, 2016, pp. 42-52. (in English)
H. Costa, G. Corpas, P. Durán Muñoz, and I. Durán Muñoz, "Technology-assisted interpreting", MultiLingual, Issue April/May, pp. 27-32, 2014. (in English)
J. Goldsmith, "The Interpreter’s Toolkit: Intragloss – a useful glossary-building tool for interpreters". [Online]. Available: https://aiic.net/page/7886/the-interpreter-s-toolkit-intragloss-a-useful-glossary-tool/lang/1. Accessed on: June 12, 2020. (in English)
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A. Kurematsu, T. Morimoto, Automatic Speech Translation: Fundamental Technology for Future Cross-Language Communications. Amsterdam, The Netherlands: OPA, 1996. (in English)
H. Mikkelson, Introduction to Court Interpreting. London, United Kingdom and New York, USA: Routledge, 2016. (in English)

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