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library electronic exhibition
distance education
educational function of library
library electronic resources
research library
historic and cultural heritage

How to Cite

O. Y. Kurganova and K. V. Lobuzina, “EDUCATIONAL POTENTIAL OF SCIENTIFIC LIBRARY HISTORICAL AND CULTURAL COLLECTIONS ELECTRONIC EXHIBITIONS”, ITLT, vol. 89, no. 3, pp. 249–265, Jun. 2022, doi: 10.33407/itlt.v89i3.4140.


The article considers the digital resource "Electronic exhibitions" of the Vernadsky National Library of Ukraine (VNLU) in the context of distant learning and self-education tools development. In the conditions of quarantine and military status that lead to restrictions of Ukrainian students' physical access to the original sources of scientific data, the studies of the informational and educational potency of digital resources, created by foundations that store collections of historical and cultural heritage, have become especially urgent. The numerous publications on the practical experience of the libraries’ exhibition activity testify to the high social and educational benefits of electronic exhibitions of original archival documents, manuscripts, early printed and rare books, periodicals, music booklets, artworks etc. The proposed article initiates the observation of the scope of the whole complex of VNLU electronic exhibitions, which includes more than 700 separate expositions. The scientific novelty of the study is a comparative analysis of the resources of electronic exhibitions of large libraries in Ukraine and around the world, which allowed us to make a conclusion about the unprecedented activity and high information-educational and cultural-historical potential of VNLU exhibitions. The article emphasizes that, as distinct from libraries` general information resources that display the scope of library collections and provide distant access to digital copies of documents, electronic exhibitions of VNLU cultural and historic collections consider the results of proper scientific subject research; hence, the verbal and visual content of such exhibitions is prepared with human scientists' involvement. The review of the scope of VNLU historical and cultural funds' electronic exhibitions demonstrates the relevance of this resource as an effective tool for distance learning and self-education of future specialists in information, library, and archive studies, humanities, and polygraphy. It may also be used as an addition to general educational courses on the history of Ukrainian and world culture.

PDF (Ukrainian)


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