The article considers interaction of innovation, cybersecurity, and digital education environment. It has been demonstrated that comprehensive digitalization of society is being accompanied by changes in the innovative potential and educational needs of Ukraine, especially in the development of the human intellectual capital and its protection in the digital environment. Human capital in innovation plays a significant role, especially in the digital age. Young people are considered as a vulnerable group that could be the main goal of cyber cognitive operations and as the weakest link of the System. The analysis of the Global Innovation Report has revealed that the real level of digitalization in Ukraine does not match its actual human potential and creative outputs. Ukraine has faced gaps in the triangle "human capital (potential) - technological support of innovations - creative activity" that should be eliminated to increase the national Global Innovation Index (GII). Human talent and competence (as a capital) are developed in the learning process. It has been noted that a joint project is the weakest link in terms of intellectual capital and the intellectual property right. Personal information about the project competitors is usually not defended. The issues of innovation in the digital learning environment exacerbate the issues of cybersafety of the education process participants.The traditional cybersecurity approach is unable to detect and tackle new sophisticated attacks. The authors have developed a general model of cyber threats in the field of education and mitigation of their impact.The new strategy in cybersecurity is proposed: not only prompt defence, but threat hunting and resilience training of users. Threat hunting can be presented by two approaches: threat detection (reactive) and threat discovery (proactive), as components of the proposed model. The resilience training of users is associated with threat awareness and special cybersafety training. A general model of cyber threats in the field of education and ways to avoid them is presented. Special attention should be paid to the strengthening of the role of media in educational processes in digital environment, as a current area of cyber hazards. The role of media in stimulating horizontal communication in the educational process is growing. Participants in the digital environment are confidently turning from passive consumers to prosumers, and the media are becoming an information intermediary with a double function: a platform for providing access and information exchange in the educational process and technological tools for joint creation of products (creative commons).
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