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electronic simulator
interactive whiteboard
future navigating specialists
future artillery specialists
professional training

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The article presents the experience of practical use of information and communication technologies (ICT) for the training of servicemen under the contract of the State Border Guard Service (SBGS) of Ukraine. Taking into account the specifics of the maritime profession for border guards, the author presents the pedagogical bases for using electronic simulators in combination with interactive whiteboards for studying military special disciplines. With the help of visual software, these tools contextually, completely and adequately reproduce the procedural aspects of the operation of the relevant weapons and navigation on boats. Specific examples of the use of ICT tools are given - "Navigation simulator" and "AK-230 artillery simulator", which are actively used in classes on "Navigation and boat management" and "Artillery and machine gun armament of ships (boats) of the Marine Guard" at the SBGS Marine Guard Training Center. Their contextual application in accordance with international law contributes to the activation of cadets’ cognitive processes in educational activities. This significantly improves the methodology of training for cadets by providing clarity and practical orientation of the content of educational material and training sessions. Taking into account the informatization of society and, accordingly, the education system, the author proves the necessity for the formation of information competence in contract servicemen during training. The factors of systemic and contextual application of ICT are revealed. The educational effectiveness of the presented ICTs during two academic years has been experimentally proved, and the obtained experimental results have revealed the positive dynamics of the academic achievements of cadets in mastering their professional knowledge, skills and abilities.

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