The article actualizes the need for transformational processes in education in the context of digitalization. The presented material specifies the structure of teachers’ professional competence in modern conditions through the introduction of three blocks: the ability of the teacher's personality to effective pedagogical activities both in person and in digital mode; formed skills: professional; universal; digital; skills of success of professional activity on the basis of project type of thinking both in real and in digital space. The article analyzes modern research, which describes the means for providing educational services in the context of digitalization. It is noted that traditional distance learning tools, for example, the use of the Moodle platform, continue to work successfully. At the same time, innovative ones have appeared, such as the Open University (Ukrainian Open University of Postgraduate Education). It is emphasized that in modern conditions the Internet is becoming a means of work, which encourages the formation of information culture in the subjects of the educational process, in particular the skills of digital technology in professional activities. For example, use Zoom conferences, BigBlueButton (Open Source Web Conferencing), Google Meet and others for organizing the educational process and information about educational content in real time. It is noted that within e-learning it is necessary to form such digital skills as scaffolding "long read" and others. In addition, it is emphasized that the leading skill is to survey students by Internet designers. The authors cite as an example an e-resource for constructing tests to test learning content and feedback - LearningApps.org. Also, the article focuses on Internet marketing technologies and the use of mobile messengers to evaluate and promote educational services. It is emphasized that the leading demand in the system of professional development is the development of flexible skills ("Soft skills"), which are essentially a set of non-special skills and provide high productivity and effectiveness of professional activities. The question is how to motivate and ensure the success of learning, what technologies, methods and forms should be used during learning by electronic means. It is noted that the digital competence of the teacher is based on his cognitive, social and emotional components and takes into account his life in the digital environment. The article reveals that the professional growth of specialists takes place in the conditions of advanced training, in particular in the conditions of an open university of postgraduate education. Also, the text describes the stages of monitoring the quality of educational services and the use of cloud technologies to calculate and determine the effectiveness of educational activities of the institution.
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