The article considers the preconditions, dynamics, trends, institutional basis for the development of modern pedagogical biography in Ukraine. It is emphasized that the late 80's of XX – early XXI century is the basis for meaningful understanding of its historiography. Emphasis is placed on the accumulated historiography of significant volumes of various source materials. It is established that according to the results of the analytical review they are divided into three categories, covering the work for the development of Ukrainian pedagogical thought and the study of the teaching staff in Ukraine and abroad. This proves the need for a careful study of the life and achievements of outstanding figures who define the face of education and pedagogy of the recent past. It is established that the bibliography, as a relevant industry resource, is a searching infrastructure. It is found that it is necessary to take into account the use of digital bibliography; examples of digital resources as powerful tools for quick search of biographies of famous teachers and scientists are given. This confirms the existence of a powerful bibliographic system developed in foreign countries, which operates in a modern dynamic environment and provides a high level of quality to expand people's worldview and obtain affordable general secondary and higher professional education in general. Research has shown that the transformation of the educational history and pedagogical thought personification in Ukraine into a digital infrastructure of the state and world level is projected in accordance with the digitalization of society. It is emphasized that in specific pedagogical research the scholars are usually limited to a brief interpretation of the biography in accordance with the subject of their study. It is noted that in the process of accumulation of an array of scientific, educational, popular science, reference literature on the life of teachers in the Ukrainian historical and pedagogical science formed a separate interdisciplinary research and personalized direction - a pedagogical biography.
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