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virtual museum
educational museum
virtual exposition
digitization of exposition
distance learning
Linguistic educational museum

How to Cite

P. O. Selihey, “LINGUISTIC EDUCATIONAL MUSEUM: ADVANTAGES AND OPPORTUNITIES OF VIRTUAL EXPOSITION”, ITLT, vol. 87, no. 1, pp. 278–287, Mar. 2022, doi: 10.33407/itlt.v87i1.4222.


The article covers the problems of digitizing the exposition of traditional museums, in particular educational ones. It is noted that virtual museums have become, in fact, a new form of knowledge dissemination, and now they have much more visitors than “real” museums. However, in Ukraine the work on creating full-fledged virtual museums is just beginning to unfold. The advantages of digitization of museum collections have been analyzed. This is primarily the best preservation and safety of exhibits, as well as great opportunities for reproduction of unpreserved exhibits. The virtual exposition provides quick access to residents of other cities and countries. This opportunity became especially relevant during the quarantine measures associated with the COVID-2019 pandemic. The virtual exposition supports the use of museum resources around the clock. It opens up the prospect of involving a museum in the worldwide network of museums. The visitor can either choose a virtual tour from those offered by the museum, or independently route the tour himself according to his preferences. Virtual exhibits attract with their spectacularity, better visibility and interactivity. The visitor gets wider access to information about the exhibits. Computer technologies make it possible to provide information for various categories: specialists, students, persons with specialized and non-specialized education, schoolchildren. It is noted that the latest multimedia tools allow to modernize traditional types of museum work and to go beyond the classical model of the museum. A modern virtual museum is not just a copy of an exposition, but an independent, qualitatively new cultural environment, a digital information complex that surpasses the parameters of traditional museums. The article discusses the prospects of digitizing the funds of the Linguistic Educational Museum at the Institute of Philology of the Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv. Founded in 1992, the museum collects, researches, preserves and exhibits materials reflecting the enrichment of linguistic knowledge for further use in educational and excursion work. There is the issue of the virtualization of its exhibits in accordance with modern trends in the museum development.

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