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information and computer technologies
distance learning system
higher education institution

How to Cite

I. I. Sugonyak, O. V. Korotun, G. V. Marchuk, and O. Y. Khroponiuk, “DEVELOPMENT AND USE OF DISTANCE LEARNING SYSTEM «ELEARNING» IN HIGHER EDUCATION INSTITUTIONS”, ITLT, vol. 87, no. 1, pp. 288–305, Mar. 2022, doi: 10.33407/itlt.v87i1.4231.


The article describes the process of developing and using its own system "eLearning", which represents a new approach to distance learning systems, as in spring 2020 COVID-19 led to the closure of educational institutions around the world, including Ukraine. As a result, the educational process has been changed dramatically, domestic educational institutions have switched to distance learning, respectively, used educational material in electronic form in various educational platforms. During the pandemic, this form of learning has demonstrated its limitations and weaknesses. The aim of the research is the development and usage of e-learning system «eLearning» with a visual display of the course in the form of a graph in the educational process of higher education institutions. This system simplifies the perception of educational material in electronic form, as well as it is an element of gamification aimed at students’ involvement and motivation to study. In the paper the main theoretical aspects of the use of information and computer technologies in teaching and the organization and implementation of distance learning systems are studied. The architecture and general structure of the system «eLearning» are described, design templates for system development and structuring, library for data processing and visualization are defined. Necessary UML diagrams were created for high-quality software design. Based on the results of the research, a distance learning system was designed and implemented, which allows teachers to create courses, visualizing the order of studying topics in the form of a graph, and students to study disciplines in a predetermined manner. The main stages of work with the system «eLearning» are demonstrated, this system of distance learning can be used to improve the educational process in higher education institutions.

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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.

Copyright (c) 2022 Інна Іванівна Сугоняк, Ольга Володимирівна Коротун, Галина Вікторівна Марчук, Олексій Юрійович Хропонюк


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