The interpretation of the category "rhetorical culture" as an integrative personality characteristic, which includes knowledge of history, theory and methods of public speaking (stages of speech preparation, rhetorical paths and figures, methods of activating audience attention, etc.), intellectual, speech, ethical, esthetic and artistic-performing qualities, which are expressed in the form of an original product of mental-speech activity, is given in the article. The typology of electronic resources in the teacher’s rhetorical culture formation is characterized. They include video content (speeches of outstanding speakers of the past and present, movies fragments, theater performances, television programs, speeches of masters of the artistic word, lectures by national and foreign teachers, reports of famous scientists, fragments of lessons and educational activities), audio content (podcasts, audiobooks), rhetoric courses on educational platforms (UDEMY, EDUGET, TED), specialized resources on rhetoric, specialized software in the field of rhetoric (Speaker Coach, Ummo, Public Speaking, Black Rhetoric, Govorillo), social communities for on-line communication (Facebook, Instagram, Telegram). Descriptive characteristics of each type are briefly provided and relevant examples with Internet links to typical Internet content are given. According to the analysis of electronic resources in the field of rhetoric for the specialist’s rhetorical culture formation, the most effective, according to experts (experts in the field of public speaking), are the use of video content, namely speeches of prominent speakers of the past and present, use of audio content software, which is confirmed by the Kendall concordance coefficient (0.87) and the χ^2-criterion for estimating the probability of the result χ = 26.85, which at the significance level of 0.05 confirms the probability of the expert group's conclusions.
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