The article focuses on the gamification of preschool education, namely the use of computer games to learn a foreign language. Most of the English language applications currently available are aimed at older children and have a standard user interface. The authors propose to use of an intelligent interface based on voice recognition methods, namely speech recognition methods based on a limited vocabulary and query grammar. The article presents the full cycle of developing a computer game: first, an analysis was carried out and requirements for the game software were determined, then the architecture was built, after which the software was developed and tested. The modern architectural framework TOGAF (The Open Group Architecture Framework) and the corresponding tool for visual modeling Archimate were used to design the game. This approach allowed the authors to identify game requirements based on the main goals and concerns of stakeholders; to analyze the main business processes of the game, including the process of working with the voice interface, both from the point of view of the developer and the player; design a computer game architecture. The authors chose the Unity platform for the software implementation of the game, and one of the classes of the UnityEngine.Windows.Speech module for the implementation of the voice interface. An example of one of the levels of the game, which is designed to learn the names of fruits and consolidate knowledge of the names of colors in English is given. The last stage of designing any information system is testing. The authors have developed a test case to test one of the levels of a computer game. This test case covers all the steps that the player takes during the game and proves the correct operation of both the software application as a whole and the voice interface separately. The game developed by the authors will increase the efficiency and quality of learning English by preschool children, by increasing their interest and simplifying the learning process.
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