In today’s digital environment, digital security is an important characteristic of the digital society participants. With the development of the digital economy, digital security skills are required of all professionals in the field. The level of digital security skills of future economists during higher education depends on their successful employment and career development. This article analyzes the concepts of digital security of the future economist, describes their level: «digital citizenship», «digital creativity», «digital entrepreneurship». The content of the universities’ curricula for future economists, when the digital security skills can be developed, has been analyzed. Using the example of one of the components of digital intelligence, namely «digital security», it is given the stages of formation, indicators for different levels of formation, content and examples of presentation of educational materials. A set of different types of cloud resources and services of the University’s hybrid cloud-oriented environment has been identified, which are used effectively in future economists training, namely: services for digital security (network security, software security, web application security); electronic resources (training portal; MOOCs; professional Internet resources), collaborative environments (communication services; collaborative services; cooperation services), management, accounting and business analysis services (management systems, accounting systems, business analysis systems). The stages of the formation of skills with digital security within the framework of the study of the module «Digital security: security in the digital environment» and the execution of project work within the framework of the study discipline «Information systems and technologies in the economy» are proposed, the solution of the real practical situation during the training. The results of the pilot study for achieving all three levels of digital security formation as a part of the digital intelligence of the future economist are also presented. Statistical analysis of the results of the experiment was carried out and their relevance proved.
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