The article actualizes the problem of perception of distance learning by subjects of the educational process in general and within institutions of professional pre-higher education (colleges). A possible way of its solving is proposed, which is based on a comparative analysis of teachers' and students' opinions of institutions of professional pre-higher education (colleges) on the psychological perception of distance learning. The experience of using distance learning abroad both before the epidemic of coronavirus infection (COVID-19) and during its spread is described. Domestic and foreign recommendations on the introduction of distance learning are summarized. The questionnaire survey results of distance learning and their analysis according to the developed author's questionnaire are presented. The survey questions were related to the general characteristics of the state of distance learning during the pandemic and the characteristics of teachers and college students' psychological perception of distance learning. The conditions of its positive perception by students and teachers are characterized. The emergence of causal chains is justified: "low quality of teaching materials – low level of knowledge – indignation at the unfairness of assessment – decreased motivation to learn" (for students) and "lack of technical and methodological assistance – problems with timely and high-quality assessment – conflicts with students – emotional stress and burnout" (for teachers). Based on the correlation analysis, a statistically significant connection between the thoughts of students and teachers about the prospects of distance learning and the ambiguity of the results of distance learning is shown. The problematic factors were identified: imperfect feedback, lack of empathy and interaction, which are able to motivate students to learn; low self-awareness and self-discipline of students, problems with the objectivity of the assessment of knowledge.
The ways of improving distance learning (technical, material, psychological, administrative), which can improve the attitude to distance learning, are described. Prospective ways to improve the psychological conditions of distance learning have been designed.
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