The article deals with the analysis of the place and role of pedagogical assessment in the organization of the educational process in higher educational institutions. It was noted that objective results of knowledge control are an important component in the development of a competent approach to the training of modern professionals. The theoretical studies of domestic and foreign scholars on this issue were summarized. The analysis showed that pedagogical assessment have always taken an important place in the educational services organization. It was noted that the main forms of the knowledge control in higher educational institutions have long been, and continue to be, ongoing, semester control and final certification. With the beginning of the digitalization of educational activities, objective conditions for the implementation of pedagogical control with the help of digital technologies have been appeared. The World COVID-19 crisis encourages the expansion of opportunities and improvement of pedagogical assessment of students’ knowledge results in higher educational institutions using distance learning technologies. Analysis of the status and potential of educational e-monitoring in the State higher educational institutions in Slovakia, Ukraine and Poland (Catholic University in Ruzomberok, SHEI «University of Educational Management», Bronisław Markiewicz State Higher School of Technology and Economics in Jaroslaw) was conducted. It has been established that these higher educational institutions currently have appropriate conditions for distance learning with students using the LMS (eFront, Moodle). At the same time, the survey of the subjects of the educational process confirmed the hypothesis that scientific and pedagogical staff and students of pedagogical specialties are not quite ready to accept pedagogical control with the help of distance learning technologies. This makes it more difficult to organize objective monitoring of learning outcomes at a time when there is no opportunity for offline communication. With a view to an adequate response, a range of measures at the level of the subjects of the educational process to prepare and conduct a pedagogical assessment of the results of the distance learning has been proposed.
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