The emergence of new e-learning technologies requires a rethinking of their implementation in higher education. To fill this gap, this study analyzes the experience of using and creating e-learning tools in Chinese higher education institutions over the past 5 years. The survey found that the most common educational technologies in Chinese higher education are blended learning, collaborative learning, modified classes, micro-learning and adaptive learning, as well as e-learning tools such as mobile technology and mass open online courses. A survey of university faculty and students explored the practicalities of using e-learning tools in Chinese higher education. The results of the analysis of 20 responses from teachers and 16 responses from undergraduate and postgraduate students showed the following: the teachers have the opportunity to organize e-learning at their university, blended learning is mainly implemented in the learning process, teachers are not limited in choosing e-learning tools: video tools, messengers, social networks and e-learning tools such as Articulate 360 and Adapt. It has been proven that video lectures with a higher level of teacher expression were better than those that had a normal level of teacher expression and only audio, in terms of improving the level of students’ emotional and learning satisfaction. Accordingly, the teacher's facial expression plays a key role in teaching students online. A number of tasks have been proposed that will contribute to the development of e-learning in Chinese higher education. The authors emphasize that in order to develop e-learning in Chinese higher education, it is necessary to pay attention to the following tasks: understanding and studying trends in the ICT development in education; targeting e-learning strategies at improving learning interests; constant monitoring and updating of software and hardware of higher educational institutions for introduction of new technologies in higher education; development and distribution of platforms with simple software interfaces for creating distance learning courses; development of information resources.
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