The publication considers the relevance and purpose of medical information systems, as well as the tasks that should be solved by medical workers with their help. Functional capabilities and main modules of medical information systems were inspected. A list of the most powerful information systems is given, according to the recommendations of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine, for use in medical institutions. Since each medical information system has different modules with a unique interface, this requires certain skills to work with the system, understand the properties and principles of designing the user interface. The concept of the user interface is investigated, and its properties are specified. The main principles of the user interface design and quantitative methods of assessing its usability are described. Based on the result of the analysis, the strengths and weaknesses of methods for assessing the convenience of the user interface were identified. In particular, the complexity analysis method gives the possibility to investigate the actions and use of the system from the user's point of view, as well as the parameters that are responsible for the functionality of the system. It has been found that increasing the complexity of the interface leads to an increase in the number of operations that can be carried out in the medical information system. In turn, the use of the GOMS method makes it possible to evaluate the performance of the information system and step by step investigate its effectiveness, predicting the usability of the interface. On the one hand, a correct assessment of the interface complexity will make it possible to rationally adjust the process of the development of medical information systems on the basis of the user’s previous skills. On the other hand, knowledge of the principles of designing the user interface and its properties will make it possible to effectively and fully use their functional capabilities in professional activities.
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