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online encyclopedias
encyclopedia publishing
regional encyclopediography
universities in USA

How to Cite

M. H. Zhelezniak and O. S. Ishchenko, “ONLINE ENCYCLOPEDIAS OF THE USA AS ACTUAL EDUCATION RESOURCES”, ITLT, vol. 84, no. 4, pp. 339–353, Sep. 2021, doi: 10.33407/itlt.v84i4.4410.


The article substantiates the use of online encyclopedias as an important component of a computer-based educational environment. Encyclopedias of United States of America dedicated to the history, nature, culture, famous people, achievements in culture, and other life spheres of American States are described for this purpose. Currently, encyclopedic projects are compiled in the format of online encyclopedias (the creation of regional online encyclopedias in the United States began at the turn of the 20th and 21st centuries). Some of them have a long history, which began with the print editions. The main trends in the development of modern encyclopedistics in the USA have been characterized based on the concentrated information on 14 state encyclopedias (Colorado Encyclopedia, Encyclopedia of Alabama, Encyclopedia of Arkansas, Encyclopedia of Chicago, Encyclopedia of Greater Philadelphia, Handbook of Texas, Kentucky Encyclopedia, Mississippi Encyclopedia, New Georgia Encyclopedia, Online Nevada Encyclopedia, Oregon Encyclopedia, South Carolina Encyclopedia, Tennessee Encyclopedia of History and Culture, West Virginia Encyclopedia). Encyclopedias are usually created by local universities. On the one hand, this fact means professional authors (an author's team consists of university professors and teachers), quality of preparatory, objective reference information. On the other hand, this situation encourages encyclopedias to be involved in the educational process. That’s why in the United States, encyclopedias often contain didactic materials for teachers, its primarily local history curricula, but actually in some encyclopedias, articles, and multimedia supplements have usually adapted versions for students. The main source of funding for mentioned state encyclopedias is grants from local and national United States funds for the humanities, as well as commercial foundations, various organizations, businesses, companies, and individuals.

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