The article focuses on the analysis of methodical and organizational aspects to form abstract concepts of schoolchildren with mental development disorder using digital technologies. The possibilities of such programs as «ArcGIS» and «Google Earth» in the development of educational material to form abstract concepts, to enlarge and improve their features have been highlighted. The specificity of perception of educational material by schoolchildren with mental disorder has been emphasized, special attention has been paid to the peculiarities of cognitive activities of such pupils: uneven speed of maturity of the highest mental functions, delayed thinking and speech development, low work efficiency, motivational and volition sphere disorder, which result in poor mastering of the abstract concepts by children with mental development disorder. The efficiency of learning abstract concepts by children of this category has been stressed, employing interdisciplinary approach, which makes it possible to combine data in History, Geography, Natural Science, Foundations of Legal Studies, Social Orientation, Music and Fine Arts. The need for a comprehensive visualized study of abstract concepts has been emphasized, which promotes children to learn them globally, without being attached to a particular educational subject. Some possibilities of basic instruments like «ArcGIS» and «Google Earth» have been described. It allows a teacher to visualize the locality with the help of interactive cards, 3-D scenes, diagrams, tables, which provides better efficiency in the process of forming abstract concepts of schoolchildren with mental development disorder. Several groups of educational-corrective modules of multimedia material to form abstract concepts have been singled out: exercises to update previously formed ideas, to organize the perception of signs, properties, objects, phenomena and to form their understanding; tasks to identify significant features of the concepts studied; exercises in generalization and verbal definition of the essence of concepts, denoting them with appropriate terms; exercises to reinforce the formed concepts on the basis of their reproduction; tasks to apply the learned concepts in similar and new situations. The stages of formation of abstract concepts of schoolchildren with mental development disorder in the context of using digital technologies have been defined and described. The examples of the designed information material, didactic tasks using «ArcGIS-online» and «Google Earth» computer programs have been provided, the peculiarities of their use at different types of lessons have been described, an estimated time of their application in teaching children with mental disorder has been indicated. The effectiveness of «ArcGIS-online» and «Google Earth» programs in teaching schoolchildren of this category has been experimentally proved.
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