Global "digitalization", economic competition and rapid changes in production contribute to the search for effective ways to modernize educational activities, to ensure the training of a new generation of professionals able to compete in today's labor market, able to act in unusual situations and adapt to today's conditions. Accordingly, higher education institutions that train future professionals, in particular for the IT industry, have a high responsibility. The article considers the peculiarities of creating an information and educational environment related to the use of information and communication technologies in the training of competitive information technology professionals; the results of a pedagogical experiment are presented, which is devoted to the study of the problem of forming the competitiveness of future specialists in information technology in technical colleges, conducted on the basis of Odessa Technical College and Kherson Polytechnic College during 2016-2020. The authors propose their own understanding of the essence of the concepts of "competitiveness of specialists", "information and educational environment" and presents a model for the formation of the competitiveness of future IT specialists in technical colleges. The authors substantiate the content and structure of the competitiveness of future IT specialists, highlight the features of the formation of the competitiveness of future IT specialists in the information and educational environment of technical colleges. The implementation of the model developed by the authors involves the creation of information and educational environment, which helps to increase the efficiency of the process of forming the competitiveness of future IT professionals in technical colleges. The results of the formative stage of the pedagogical experiment confirmed the effectiveness of the developed model. The authors have developed methodological recommendations for the implementation of the model of forming the competitiveness of future IT professionals and identified promising areas for further research.
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