The paper considers the methodology of using massive open online courses in the process of training future information technology specialists. It proves the importance of attracting students to use open online courses as a means for self-education and self-development. The use of MOOC in the educational activities of students of computer specialties allows them to constantly improve their knowledge in the era of rapidly changing information technologies, deepen their skills in professional disciplines, and, finally, complete courses developed by teachers of leading universities in the world. As a part of the study, comparative analysis of the most popular MOOC platforms was carried out. We selected online courses that would be appropriate to use in the process of studying such disciplines as "Web Technologies and Web Design" and "Web Programming". Taking into account the theoretical foundations and practical experience of organizing distance and mixed learning, a model for integrating the MOOC into the structure of the classical academic discipline is developed (methods of using MOOC during laboratory, individual work, in the process of independent students work, preparation for modular or final control), which can be used not only for training students studying in the specialties of the field of knowledge 12 "Information Technologies", but also for other students of higher educational institutions of Ukraine. Based on the suggested integration model the methodology of using MOOC in the process of professional training of future IT specialists is described, as well as the method of organizing and conducting pedagogical research and its results. In the course of the study, it was found out that the pedagogically balanced introduction of MOOC into the educational process contributes to the formation of students' self-education skills, improvement and deepening of professional competencies, and opens up alternative ways for them to obtain higher education.
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Copyright (c) 2021 Ю. С. Рамський, І. А. Твердохліб, О. Б. Ящик, А. Ю. Рамський