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combined (blended) learning
augmented reality technology
information and communication technologies
mobile devices
remote technologies

How to Cite

T. B. Poyasok, O. I. Bespartochna, Chencheva O. О., and V. V. Chenchevoi, “USE OF THE AUGMENTED REALITY APPLICATION BLIPPAR IN THE PROCESS OF COMBINED EDUCATION OF STUDENTS OF TECHNICAL SPECIALTIES”, ITLT, vol. 87, no. 1, pp. 111–123, Mar. 2022, doi: 10.33407/itlt.v87i1.4440.


The urgency of the problem of using augmented reality technology in the process of combined education of students of technical specialties, due to need for them to acquire practical skills in working with equipment, understanding of physical processes and design elements of complex technological systems is proved. It is determined that augmented reality technologies contribute to the full provision of students with the opportunity to remotely acquire professional competencies necessary for the calculation, design and use of technological equipment without its actual availability. The expediency of introduction for technical specialties at combined training with use of elements of augmented reality is substantiated. The advantages of using augmented reality technologies in the study of technical disciplines are considered; methods of its application in the process of combined education of students of technical specialties in the aspect of acquisition of professional competencies by students are offered; the practical results of application of the offered technologies of the augmented reality are resulted. The peculiarities of the use of methodological support with the use of augmented reality technologies in the teaching of technical disciplines and workshops in mastering master's and bachelor's programs are covered within the combined training. Possibilities and features of the organization of students’ training with application of methodical maintenance with use of technologies of the augmented reality of BlippAR on an example of experience of use in educational process of Kremenchuk of Mikhail Ostrogradsky National University during quarantine are described. The effectiveness and feasibility of using this type of technology in the combined training of students of technical specialties based on the results of experimental research, which confirmed that the use of augmented reality technology in the training of future technical specialists in this form of education helps to improve the success of higher education.

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Copyright (c) 2022 Тамара Борисівна Поясок, Олена Іванівна Беспарточна, Ольга Олександрівна Ченчева, Володимир Віталійович Ченчевой


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