The authors of the article state that for formation and development of professional competence and key competencies of future teachers of vocational training is necessary to create an appropriate information and educational environment (IEE) in pedagogical universities, where the innovative methods, forms, teaching aids, communication technologies, including digital can be implemented. In such IEE, in classrooms equipped with traditional and innovative technical means, approbation of the developed technologies of training during lectures, practical and laboratory works, in independent work of students with use of a considerable quantity of Internet resources and online components can be carried out that is especially important during the pandemic COVID-19.
Recently, first of all, thanks to the work of scientists of the Institute of Information Technologies and Learning Tools of the National Academy of Educational Sciences of Ukraine and our joint research laboratory established at Vinnytsia Mykhailo Kotsyubynskyi State Pedagogical University, the use of Е-learning and mobile learning has become widespread. M-learning, ubiquitous learning (U-learning) allows students to receive multimedia services, lecture materials, texts of laboratory and practical work, unlimited access to electronic libraries, monitoring of their own research, participation in telecommunications projects and more.
In addition to educational environment, the efforts of employees of higher education institutions should be focused on creating a practice-oriented environment, which, of course, affects the formation, disclosure, implementation, self-improvement of the student's personality. For this purpose the innovative model of formation of professional competence in the course of preparation of the teacher for vocational (technical) education - a dual form of training is considered.
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Copyright (c) 2021 Володимир Михайлович Кобися, Роман Семенович Гуревич, Майя Юхимівна Кадемія, Алла Петрівна Кобися, Галина Борисівна Гордійчук