
emergency distance education
teacher and Covid 19
student and Covid19
EBA system

How to Cite

A. Tatlı and S. Eryilmaz, “EXAMINATION OF TEACHERS’ EXPERIENCES IN THE EMERGENCY DISTANCE EDUCATION PERIOD”, ITLT, vol. 85, no. 5, pp. 62–77, Nov. 2021, doi: 10.33407/itlt.v85i5.4466.


The Covid 19 virus epidemic, which is the greatest danger of the 21st century, has significantly affected the way of life in the world. Scientists do their best to prevent the epidemic. They emphasize that the trio of mask, distance and cleaning will be sufficient. The epidemic, which emerged in China and negatively affected almost all countries in the world in almost every field, has also adversely affected the field of education. The education and training process in schools was suspended temporarily. Due to reasons such as the epidemic could not be stopped and prevented, starting from March 2020, some countries decided to continue their education in distance education environments in order to prevent children and young people from being harmed in their education and training processes. With the rapid transition to the distance education process, almost the entire education process has entered the digitalization process. The biggest share behind the management of the process called “emergency distance education” belongs to teachers. Teachers also use digital media in this process. They changed the way of communication with the students, their teaching methods, and the materials they used. Teachers are in the global epidemic process, they took part in the forefront of education to continue. Although they were caught unprepared for the situation, they carried out various studies to make the process effective. During this period, various concerns and expectations arose among the teachers, who always made an effort, in terms of using technology. With this research, the attitudes of teachers towards distance education, the problems teachers experience during this period, and accordingly the development of their technology use skills and the current situation in evaluating the process in educational environments have been revealed. This study, which was conducted by taking the opinions of the teachers who work in Ankara and selected by random sampling method, is in the case study design, one of the qualitative research methods. The data obtained from the teachers were analyzed by content analysis method. In general, the teachers who participated in the study shared the situations they experienced during this process.



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Copyright (c) 2021 Ayşenur TATLI, Selami ERYILMAZ


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