The author's analysis of scientific literature found out that researchers consider the high level of academic dishonesty among students (cheating and teamwork on tasks), as well as the difficulty of distance checking their learning outcomes and competencies to be the main problems of the online assessment. The author's survey conducted among teaching staff also supports these statements. In order to solve these problems, in the article it is considered the approach to ensuring the reliability of online assessment procedures, which includes methodological and organizational components. Within this approach, the author proposes (at the very beginning of evaluation procedures creation) to focus on the selection of those types of questions, due to which it is possible to prevent academic dishonesty of students and comprehensively check their preparation. The article describes the low-order «conventional» and «conceptual» types of questions. Features of questions «on recognition», «on recollection», and also «on integration and use» are considered as well. Recommendations for the use of different types of questions for the student online assessment according to Bloom`s taxonomy levels are formulated. In particular, it is proposed to use cases and situational tasks to assess the highest levels. The author`s survey showed a high level of teacher involvement in assessment procedures in online learning, which reduces their advantages over face-to-face evaluation. Therefore, among the organizational principles of online assessment, the author offers to choose assessment tools that allow using automated verification even for tasks with «high-order» types of questions. Emphasis is placed on the need to acquaint students beforehand with the online evaluation procedure, and to give preference to the «low-stakes assessment» approach. The article also describes the author's experience in using Google forms and the «Online Test Pad» platform.
Education for sustainable development: a roadmap. [Електронний ресурс]. Доступно: https://unesdoc.unesco.org/ark:/48223/pf0000374802.locale=en. Дата звернення: Вер. 15, 2021.
R. Roy, S. Potter, K. Yarrow. «Towards sustainable higher education: environmental impacts of conventional campus, print-based and electronic/open learning systems». [Електронний ресурс]. Доступно: https://www.researchgate.net/publication/42792604_Towards_sustainable_higher_education_environmental_impacts_of_conventional_campus_print-based_and_electronicopen_learning_systems. Дата звернення: Вер. 21, 2021.
The digital transformation of higher Education: COVID-19 and beyond. [Електронний ресурс]. Доступно: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WXyupOfGN5A&feature=youtu.be&ab_channel=Coursera. Дата звернення: Лип. 29, 2021.
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F. M. Guangul, A.H. Suhail, M.I. Khalit et al. «Challenges of remote assessment in higher education in the context of COVID-19: a case study of Middle East College», Educational assessment, evaluation and accountability, vol. 32, pp. 519–535, 2020. doi:https://doi.org/10.1007/s11092-020-09340-w.
Awal Kurnia Putra Nasution «Higher Education in The Covid-19 Era: Challenges and Assessment». [Електронний ресурс]. Доступно: http://journal.rekarta.co.id/index.php/jrip/article/view/17. Дата звернення: Вер. 7, 2021.
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N. Grebin, S. Grabovska, R. Karkovska, A. Vovk, «Applying Benjamin Bloom’s taxonomy ideas in adult learning», Journal of education culture and society, vol. 11, no. 1, pp. 61–72. 2020. doi: https://doi.org/10.15503/jecs2020.1.61.72.
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Education in a post-COVID world: Nine ideas for public action. [Online]. Available: https://unesdoc.unesco.org/ark:/48223/pf0000373717/PDF/373717eng.pdf.multi. Accessed on: Sept. 15, 2021. (in English).
F. M. Guangul, A. H. Suhail, M. I. Khalit et al. “Challenges of remote assessment in higher education in the context of COVID-19: a case study of Middle East College”, Educational assessment, evaluation and accountability, vol. 32, pp. 519–535, 2020. doi: https://doi.org/10.1007/s11092-020-09340-w. (in English).
Awal Kurnia Putra Nasution “Higher Education in The Covid-19 Era: Challenges and Assessment”. [Online]. Available: http://journal.rekarta.co.id/index.php/jrip/article/view/17. Accessed on: Sept. 07, 2021. (in English).
Digital education action plan for 2021-2027. [Online]. Available: https://ec.europa.eu/education/sites/default/files/document-library-docs/deap-communication-sept2020_en.pdf. Accessed on: Feb. 27, 2021. (in English).
A. W. Radford, J. Robles, S. Cataylo, L. Horn, J. Thornton, K. Whitfield, “The employer potential of MOOCs: a survey of human resource professionals’ thinking on MOOCs”. [Online]. Available: http://www.rti.org/pubs/duke_handbook-final-03252014.pdf. Accessed on: Jan. 08, 2021. (in English).
N. Alruwais, G. Wills, M. Wald, «Advantages and challenges of using e-assessment», International journal of information and education technology , vol. 8, no. 1, pp. 34–37, 2018. (in English).
M. M. Lanier, “Academic integrity in distance education”, Journal of criminal justice education, vol. 17, pp. 244–261, 2006. (in English).
J. Jr. Moten, A. Fitterer, E. Brazier, J. Leonard, A. Brown, “Examining online college cyber cheating methods and prevention measures”, The Electronic Journal of e-learning, vol. 11, pp. 139–146, 2013. (in English).
Jose J. Vazquez, Eric P. Chiang, Ignacio Sarmiento-Barbieri, “Can we stay one step ahead of cheaters? A field experiment in proctoring online open book exams”, Journal of behavioral and experimental economics, vol. 90, pp.101653, 2021. doi: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.socec.2020.101653. (in English).
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N. Grebin, S. Grabovska, R. Karkovska, A. Vovk, “Applying Benjamin Bloom’s taxonomy ideas in adult learning”, Journal of education culture and society, vol. 11, no. 1, pp. 61–72. 2020. doi: https://doi.org/10.15503/jecs2020.1.61.72. (in English).
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L. Elsalem, N. Al-Azzam, A. A. Jum'ah, N. Obeidat, A. M. Sindiani, K. A. Kheirallah, “Stress and behavioral changes with remote E-exams during the Covid-19 pandemic: A cross-sectional study among undergraduates of medical sciences”, Annals of medicine and surgery, vol. 60, рр. 271–279, 2020. doi:https://doi.org/10.1016/j.amsu.2020.10.058. (in English).

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