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information technology
leadership potential
psychic activity
personality’s predisposition
pedagogic support
education process

How to Cite

O. G. Romanovskiy, T. V. Hura, V. Y. Mykhaylychenko, and M. K. Chebotarev, “THE EXPERIENCE OF INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY APPLICATION FOR DETECTING PREDISPOSITION TO LEADERSHIP OF FUTURE ENGINEERS”, ITLT, vol. 88, no. 2, pp. 203–213, Apr. 2022, doi: 10.33407/itlt.v88i2.4490.


The role of leadership in managerial activity as well as actuality of forming leadership skills of future engineers while studying at a higher education institution. The definition of the notions of «leadership» and «leader» is given. It is shown that in current psychology-pedagogic science, the role of students’ self-awareness of their «self-image» in forming a leader’s personality has not been sufficiently studied. To obtain information on the ways and methods of collecting and processing the data to solve this problem, the American scientist R. B Kettle’s multifactor personality questionnaire was applied as an information technology having the needed entrance data on the initial factors characterizing engineers-to-be with a high level in predisposition to leadership. It was determined that the number of such students was 38.6% of the respondents. Their psychological portrait was compiled on the basis of data procession by researching the main components of the information technology. The obtained results enabled to conclude that the majority of students lack in a number of traits facilitating the leadership potential development. This is characteristic of the intellectual traits bloc, as well a number of other emotional and communicative traits. A conclusion was made on the need in activating them in the course of training. It is shown that solving of the set task is connected with pedagogic support of improving the methods, means and organization forms that ensure detecting the leadership potential, its forming, and development. The ways and methods of activating this process aimed at realizing of the actual «self-image» and purposeful self-perfection through forming necessary pedagogic conditions in the education process at a higher education institution. To this effect, it is needed to apply information technologies, which will facilitate solving this problem.

PDF (Ukrainian)


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