The use of digital technologies has significantly changed the specifics of research. They are effective not only for conducting, presenting and implementing research results, but also for forming a young scientist’s sense of belongingness and ownership in relation to the scientific community of the institution, country and the world as a whole, as well as creating his own scientific product. The sense of ownership we understand as a person's subjective emotional experience of belonging to certain targets of ownership, which reflects the meaning and significance that has for him real or abstract, specific or generalized targets of ownership, that is, everything that can be called like his (for example, "my institution", "my workplace", "my scientific work", "my materials"). The results of empirical research are presented, which confirmed the positive relationship among the level of expression of ownership, the level of satisfaction with scientific activities, psychological well-being and a sense of efficiency and the need for their own scientific activities. The list of digital technologies is proposed and substantiated, which should be used to form a sense of ownership of young scientists, in particular, a site of the institution, pages in social networks: Facebook, Instagram, YouTube channel, e-mail, Google Forms, Telegram, Viber, Google Meet, Zoom, Microsoft Teams, etc. The importance of using digital technologies to form a sense of ownership of graduate students and young scientists is emphasized. It is determined that the creation of a system of socio-psychological support for graduate students and young scientists to enter the scientific environment will have a positive impact on the level of psychological well-being of young researchers and provide opportunities for them to build successful scientific careers and increase success.
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Copyright (c) 2021 Аліса Сергіівна Сухіх, Ірина Губеладзе, Анна Яцишин