The article addresses the problem of future physical culture and sports specialists training to use digital health means in their professional activities. The authors substantiate the importance of mastering digital health means as one of the socially important results of future physical culture and sports specialists training. "Digital health" is characterized as a set of digital parameters of personal health (physical, physiological), which allow to characterize the general state of human health, identify / predict its problem areas and provide certain recommendations for improving his condition. It is shown that digital health means include specialized software (such as MyFitnessPal, Waterbalance), physical health devices (such as a heart rate monitor, Smart Band fitness bracelet tracker), and social networking and services content, which help to improve communication between stakeholders. It is proved that it is important to develop effective models for future physical culture and sports specialists training to use digital health means in their professional activities. The author’s model of such training is described, which provides for the modernization of the content taking into account a number of methodological approaches (technological, BYOD-approach, visual and digital). In addition to the discipline "Information and Communication Technologies in physical culture and sports ", the content of the model is a special course "Digital Health Technologies". To determine the levels of student achievement, criteria have been developed that express the quality of individual control tasks solve. The research was conducted at Makarenko Sumy State Pedagogical University and Ivan Franko National University of Lviv. The effectiveness of the developed model was tested based on input and output control of educational achievements of the control and experimental groups using the Pearson chi-square test. The results of the pedagogical experiment confirmed the effectiveness of the developed model and determinated potentially promising scientific research in future.
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